Availability & Logistics

Is my preferred wedding date available?

Please give us a call or drop us an email and we will check all available dates.

Can I hold my ceremony here?


How many events do you host on one day?

Just one.

How many hours are included in the rental of the space for Weddings?

Friday afternoon until midnight on Saturday.

Is there an overtime fee?

Yes. The security deposit will NOT be returned and you will be charged $100/hour over the ending time stated in the previous question.

Do you have your own sound equipment and speakers, or will those need to be rented or provided by the entertainment?

These will need to be provided by your entertainment.

Are there noise restrictions?

We ask that you are respectful to our neighbors and avoid loud noises outside the venue.  Ralpho Township does have a noise ordinance that does need to be followed.

Are their “getting ready” rooms on-site?

Yes, we have a VIP/bridal suite available.

May I have my rehearsal dinner here as well?

WIth your wedding rental, you have the hall from Friday afternoon until midnight Saturday to use as you see fit.

Are pets allowed?

No pets are allowed at our inside or outside venue, unless it is a certified service dog.

Do you have liability insurance?

Please see our contract for more information.

What are the nearest hotels to Fahringer Hall?

We are centrally located, so there are many options.  Danville and Bloomsburg are 22 minutes away.  Shamokin Dam is 25 minutes away.

Vendors & Set-Up

Will your staff be involved in setting up and breaking down the décor?  In what capacity?

If you use our preferred caterers, many of your wedding details will be taken care of. If you are interested in using a different caterer or florist, our staff is available for your set up at $100/hour.

Can the venue accommodate a DJ or a live band?

We can accommodate a DJ.  Please contact us about a live band.

If I hire my own caterer, are kitchen facilities available for them?

Yes, we have a full-working, catering kitchen.

Do you have a liquor license?

We do not.  Please see our contract regarding liability insurance.

Decor & Rentals

Are there any decor restrictions? Are candles permitted?

Yes. Nothing is allowed on the walls, doors or windows. Open flamed candles are prohibited.  Candles that are in votive cups or glass vases may be permitted. We can discuss this further.

Do you have signage or other aides to help direct guests to Fahringer Hall?

We have a marquee located in the front of the Elysburg Fire Company to welcome your guests.